
Showing posts from June, 2012

The day you went AwaY

01 November 2006 10am in the morning, before i went to school i kissed my Mom and say goodbye to her. Her kiss was warmer than before. Then i went to school by the school bus. Before i went into the school bus i had my glance on my Mom's car. Ordinary car. It was the last day of sem 2 examination for Form 1 students. I was in St.Peter Telipok. We finished at 5.30pm. My brother and I went to the bus stop, waiting for school bus, to go home. We reached at home about 6.00pm. My uncle was waiting in front of the house. He asked us to follow him. I was blurred. So we went into his car. I was afraid, not knowing what is going on. I finally have my courage to ask him, what is it so important that he brought us to his house. He said, "your accident..." I couldn't say anything. My heart whispered hoping that he is joking. Then, I asked him back about it. He was saying the same thing. My brother asked him if she's alright. My Uncle said, she's gon