Skin Introduction & Common Skin Disease 

Skin is an extraordinary structure, the first outer layer of human body. We are absolutely dependent on this barrier separating the potential harmful external environment from the body's vulnerable interior. Generally, women especially (well including me), often associates skin as an indicator of health and beauty. We will try everything we could possibly do just to prevent acne or wrinkle landing on our skin especially the facial region.

Simple 3D plan of skin layers
Epidermis - This outer layer, no thicker than a sheet of paper, both shields you from the world and presents you to it.

Dermis - This thick middle layer makes up most of your skin. It contains collagen and elastin — fibers that give strength, structure and elasticity.

Subcutaneous - This layer, which is mainly fat, is the source of nerves and blood vessels as well as the roots of your hair follicles, oil glands and sweat glands.

The proximity of our skin to the numerous potentially damaging environment (like polution, UV rays, bacteria and etc) result in two important considerations:

  • Frequently damaged skin
  • various cell types that it contains can "go wrong" and develop its own degenerative (eg. autoimmune) and neoplastic (tumour/cancer) disorder.

The ready visibility  of skin causes slight deviation from normal give rise to a particular set of sign of disease.


Skin Disease is very common. However "health" we might think of our skin is, it is likely that we will have experienced some degree of acne and perhaps any other skin disease. I will be describing in details about some common skin disorders/diseases on my next posts - stay tune and subscribe if you guys want to learn more about our skin.

Here are a few skin disorders which chances are, we have seen in ourself, or our friends & relatives:

  • Atopic eczema
atopic eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Viral warts
viral warts
  • Seborrhoeic warts
  • Solar keratoses
solar keratoses

Reference :
Roxburgh's Common Skin Disease


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