Contoh essay PILN MARA

Being an orphan in my young age was not only teaches me the meaning of independence but also makes me even stronger facing every obstacle in life of ordinary person. I never saw my father since he left for unknown reason when I was a baby. When I was 2 years old my mother left me together with my brother with my grandparents and travelled abroad since my father’s loss was too much for her. I got to know my mother when I was six and I spent just 10 months with her as she passed away in an accident when I was 13. My full name is Norfaezah Suhaimi and Dr.Faezah, that is what people will address me one day as I am truly interested to be a doctor in the future. On 24th January 1993, I was born at Hospital Queen Elizabeth Kota Kinabalu.

The real me was potrayed when I joined Mara Junior Science College (MJSC). When I was in my previous government secondary school, I used to be a quiet girl who enjoyed reading books, invisible, unknown and only have small circle of friends. This is because I have transferred to a few schools during my lower secondary form. Thus, I never had the chance to show who really I am to others for always been in a new surroundings, new peoples and new place. I found that it was not easy to adapt to a new surrounding environment especially for a growing teenagers like me. Things change when I entered MJSC Kota Kinabalu. Here I have the opportunity to be involved in many co-curricular activities. There, I was given the chance to show my talent in leadership as I was selected and given the trust to hold a high position in three major clubs in the college. I became the Vice President of Red Crescent Society , Vice President of Science Club and also the Vice President of Petanque Club. Apart from that, I now have the chance to represent school for various competitions. I represented MJSC Kota Kinabalu for Mathematics Carnival and Petanque games.

My interest in being a doctor begins since I was five years old as I used to think that my great grandmother was a doctor, but she was not one. People around my village often seek for her whenever they sick especially for those mother who pregnant. She had delivered a lot of babies in the past years ago as during her time there were no health facilities such as health clinic nearby. Her contribution to others had inspired me to be a certificated doctor and my strong determination had started since I was in primary school. My experience participating in Health Quiz Competition in Sabah State Level when I was in primary six encouraged me to be more committed to achieve my dream. I pursue my interest when I joined and actively involved in the Red Crescent Society during my secondary school.

In order to achieve my ambition, I had proved my excellence in the aspect of academics as I managed to get 7A’s in my PMR . Time flied rapidly and the subjects became harder and harder. Once again, I strengthened my spirit and my resolution, and I believed in myself, and in my own abilities to achieve the best result for my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).harder and harder. I took on the science stream where I had to manage all 9 subjects in two years time. Through my own effort, I manage to get 9A’s for my SPM.

I believe the starting point of my career is SPM.  My 9A’s is the ticket for me to apply for scholarships so that I can further my studies in the medicine course in order to become a doctor. After doing some researches, Royal College of Surgeon, Ireland really caught my attention as it is one of the leading medical institution in the world and if I am given the chance to study in oversea, this university will be my first choice. I know that this university is committed in providing the most up-to-date facilities and resources for the study of medicine and health science. After that, I will do my houseman ship for two years before I can become a registered medical practitioner. I would devote myself as a doctor who is fully committed to her duty of serving the nation and country. At the same time, the invaluable experiences that I will gain throughout the years would also help prepare myself before I could proceed further in becoming a specialist.

The next step is that after I have gotten enough experiences, I would like to do my masters and become a specialist in pediatrician. Pediatrician specialises in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of childhood diseases. It is necessary for children to be handled with pediatrician and not by general doctor because these physicians understanding and extra training they have as it relates to children's health. Children do not always manifest the same symptoms as adults, even when dealing with the same disease an adult may have. Thus, I am feeling very enthusiastic in becoming a part of medical team that really concern about children care.

Last but not least, I am really hopes that my passion for medical field will enable me to be given a chance to take up this course.

HEHE , kalau nak buat rujukan mnta kebenaran dulu k. luv ya :D


  1. Hi sis, can I use your essay as a ref ? thnks :)

  2. can i use your as my reference as an essay for my school homework ? :)

  3. So sorry I didnt reply u all. U guys can make my essay as ref :) I hope u
    U guys succeed :)


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